To truly recognize something as majestic is to give yourself over to it. And by beholding it, you allow the majesty to impose itself on to you that you might savor and partake of its greatness.

Sun rays dominate some of earth’s landscapes.

Sunsets, sunrises, total solar eclipses, all in one show. We weep in awe of the beauty it creates, a power so strong that we cannot even look directly at it. 93 million miles away, the sun still emits enough heat to fry an egg or light up an entire building. Solar Majesty is a chance to revel in the power of the sun, showcasing a variety of landscapes all beautified by its light.



Scene Count


Majesty – Noun: Sovereign power, authority, or beauty. Words like greatness or splendor also come to mind as we’re reminded in the opening crawl of this video sample on the left. In Solar Majesty we’re transported to multiple landscapes all around the world with one thing in common – a majestic view of our sun!

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