If there is one thing almost everyone can relate to, it’s that work can get overwhelming. Sometimes it’s difficult to prioritize, complete tasks, and stay on schedule. Trying to do all of these things can lead to burnout and a feeling of helplessness. To prevent a build-up of emotions from occurring, it’s important to be intentional about including stress management into your daily routine. Here are 5 ways you can start managing stress at work today.

Take A Walk 

Pay attention to the times you usually get overwhelmed at work. After observing your behavior for a week or two, try to block off 5-10 minutes on your schedule to take a walk. Not only does taking a walk to distract you from your workload, but walking is also linked to many mental health benefits such as increasing self-esteem and reducing stress. 

Person Walking


Not all meditations require sitting on the floor and humming. In fact, there are many meditations you can do right from your desk.  A good starting point is to sit up right in your chair, close your eyes, and take deep breaths. There are many reasons you should meditate including lowering your blood pressure. After you take a few minutes to decompress, you’ll be on your way to a more efficient work day and a healthy mind. 

Woman Meditating

Listen To Music

Music is a gift we are blessed to have at our disposal. Music connects us as individuals, adds life to our favorite movies, and creates unforgettable memories at events like festivals. It makes sense that listening to music is linked to a reduction in stress. Studies have shown that listening to classical music slows your heart rate and relaxes your body. Thanks, Mozart!

Woman Listening To Music

Get Into Aromatherapy 

Studies suggest that aromatherapy improves work performance by balancing the autonomic nervous system. Unfortunately, this stress management tactic will require a purchase, but you can typically find inexpensive essential oils at many locations. There are many ways to use essential oils including taking deep breaths after opening the bottle, using a diffuser, ingestion, and topical application. The essential oils associated with reducing stress and increasing relaxation are lavender, sandalwood, and clary sage.

Pro Tip: Prior to using essential oils, make sure to carefully research and read instructions when it comes to diluting the oil. There are many types of oils that are too strong to be used without water dilution. 


Go Digital

With today’s technology, there are many digital resources available with tips to help with stress. With Spectiv, you get a library of videos for all your screens designed to calm your home or workspace, allowing you to concentrate, meditate, or simply unplug. Sign up today!

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